General Dentistry
The best way to protect your beautiful smile is by preventing problems before they start. Most of the conditions that negatively affect your smile can be avoided with regular care. Dr. Brooks and his team are committed to answering your questions about proper hygiene and to providing you with the most advanced preventive dentistry.
Perio Therapy
Periodontal dentistry refers to caring for the gum and bone structures that support your teeth. Without a healthy foundation, your ability to keep your teeth throughout your lifetime could be at risk. Ironically, this branch of dentistry is the least recognized, and despite its importance, many of us unknowingly neglect our gums. This can result in infection and disease without us even knowing about it.
You can ensure the health of your gums and supportive structures under the care of Dr. Brooks. Your access to our advanced periodontal therapy programs is your key to the restoration of your gums and to the prevention of future problems.

When you have a cavity, Dr. Brooks will remove the decay and will fill the tooth with a âfillingâ material. After removing the decay and bacteria from a cavity, he then fills the area with a material that will seal and protect the structure of your tooth. With this procedure, your chances of further decay are vastly minimized.
Grinding or clenching your teeth during the night will cause your teeth to chip, crack, and even break. To keep you from seriously damaging your teeth, your dental team recommends a dental appliance called a nightguard. A custom fitted nightguard protects your teeth from grinding and clenching in your sleep. Dr. Brooks will take special care in making sure you have a proper fit in order to prevent pain in your jaw joint.
You may find that a side benefit of your nightguard is headache prevention. Many headaches start during the night, caused by the extreme pressure generated as you grind and clench your teeth. Ask us about having a nightguard custom created just for you.
Anti-snoring Devices
If you or a loved one snores, you are likely aware that snoring is often accompanied by fitful sleep. Severe snoring may also be a sign of a more serious problem like sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when an individual stops breathing for an extended period of time during sleep. Snoring happens when the soft palate relaxes to the point of cutting off the airway. Snore appliances comfortably hold the airway open during sleep, and there are a wide variety of snore appliances available to you. Let Dr. Brooks help you select one that fits your needs.
Root Canals
Damage to the nerve tissue inside of a tooth sometimes requires a root canal procedure. Because of advances in dentistry, this process is much more comfortable than you expect - especially compared to the pain and discomfort you may be feeling before the procedure. A root canal involves removing the soft tissue within the tooth (the pulp) when it has become infected and inflamed. Dr. Brooks will gently file the infected tissue out of the root canals of the tooth and will fill the void with an inert material. The procedure will gently restore your health by addressing the issues in the nerve and root system of your affected tooth. Finished off with a realistic porcelain crown, your smile will be back to its natural form and function!
Tooth Extraction
Although Dr. Brooks will always work to maintain as much of your tooth structure as possible, sometimes the best treatment for a troublesome tooth is removing it. When injury or disease dictates that extraction is the best course of action, Dr. Brooks and his team can perform the procedure gently and safely in our office and can then provide you with the ongoing treatment required to restore form and function to your smile.
Childrenâs Dentistry
Children of all ages have a variety of dental needs - particularly when it comes to preventing tooth decay and managing the growth and development of their smiles. Research has shown a direct correlation between good dental health and many other aspects of a childâs life, including school performance and personal relationships.
One-year-old Exams
Do you know when your childâs dental care should begin? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that the appearance of the first baby tooth is a good indicator. For most babies, this occurs when they are between six months and one year of age. A simpler way to remember is: first dental visit by first birthday. Just as with all dental patients, itâs always better to catch any pediatric dental problems early. Call us if you have questions about the dental health of your baby.
Although they will eventually fall out, primary teeth maintain the space for the permanent teeth your child will develop. Decayed primary teeth can transmit bacteria to permanent teeth as they erupt. But, even in the early stages, the health of your childâs primary teeth are an integral part of their overall well-being. They will likely have some primary teeth (such as molars) until ages 11-13, so maintaining a healthy smile is very important. Dr. Brooks can provide childrenâs dentistry for the younger members of your family to ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles.